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  • ArcherHay

Do you even read, Bro?

Our books can be found in Amazon's "dark comedy," "occult," and "witches & wizards" categories. We have had a lot of fun discovering other authors in our same categories. We have become friends (like "real" friends--not just "click-here-to-be-friends") with an author named Bill Alive who writes a series similar to ours: it's a humorous mystery series featuring an "empath" detective who can "feel" other people's emotions. And famed dark comedy author, Christopher Moore, actually "liked" the first tweet we ever threw at him--which is about as intimate and deep as a Twitter connection can be!

We encourage you to check out the other authors in our categories and to let us know: who else should we be reading and emulating and stalking on Twitter? Who are your favorite comedic thriller authors?

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